Wednesday, August 01, 2007


When telling people that I am 16 weeks pregnant (the current week), the delivery and choice of words often alludes me. When is the right moment? Is it when I skip the cocktail or immediately at the hug/kiss great to see you when the person is clearly thinking, "my she's porking out." I did the right thing by waiting out the trimester and telling our parents first but now there's the whole awkward who did I forget to tell? I don't want anyone getting pissy with me.
Then, there's word choice. "I'm knocked up," is certainly casual but a bit macho and cavalier. "I'm pregnant," works but somehow feels like an excuse as in "the reason I'm not ordering the margarita is because I'm pregnant." I certainly am not a fan of the "we're" pregnant concept as "we're" not the one enduring restless legs, spidery veins, food aversions, weight gains and constipation. "Andrew and I are going to have a baby," is sometimes sweet but doesn't clarify for certain that the bump from my stomach is not simply due to an excess of carbs (which in fact, it might be). I can't stand "expecting," (expecting what? a delivery from UPS?) or "you're going to be an auntie, a grandma, a fill-in-relationship-to-baby here," because frankly I'm not THAT egocentric now, come on. So, I've been varying the approach. But I'm not satisfied. At times, I'm tempted to hold off at least on those quite far away and just send a baby announcement.

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